I am really hoping that over time this blog will be quite interactive! I know there are lots of dog lovers out there, and also, lots of people with great marketing ideas AND lots of people with great ideas on how I can use my dog portrait business to also benefit DOGS!! So I'm going to start asking for ideas.... both on how I can most effectively market my dog portraits, and also ways that I can give back to the dog world through my portraits! If you are involved in a dog rescue or some other charitable organization, maybe we can brainstorm together.......... I look forward to any ideas you want to share. Email me at mary@marybuergindogportraits.com
In the mean time, here is another portrait..... this is TRUEST. This painting depicts a very special moment between dog and owner.... Her owner told me that Truest was abused and abandoned, and she had a hard time trusting anyone.... and apparently had a hard time making eye contact. So when Truest looked up at her new owner on this day, it was very poignant, and a moment to be captured!
I've had lots of people telling me they are trying to post and can't ... there is a link right under the comment page to subscribe by Email if you are interested, then you can comment back to me directly that way. Thanks!!